Sunday, July 12, 2009

Meet the Mr. Wrong's

I'm almost disgusted to say how much time boys take up! In all reality, I am only here in MN for two more months. Then, I will be back at BYU to start fall semester. What this means is, there is not point in having a boyfriend. This summer is only meant to be a break from responsibility (other than making money) and overwhelming stress. Point blank: I'm looking to have a fun time only. Nothing more, nothing less. What I decided is boys my age don't understand the concept of being friends. My theory is that to a guy making a friend with a girl is a pointless waste of time and energy unless their efforts reap some sort of benefit. Examples can include a)emotional support b)someone to hang out with when other friends are busy c)relationships and/or (but not all-inclusive) d)physicality. What it comes down to is guys will only be your friend if they've known you since childhood, you have family ties, or your the girlfriend's best friend. You might think I'm cynical. If so you might be right, but I actually find the whole situation somewhat humorous. Life is funny. I tend to have an very dry sense of humor.

Before, I jump into an explanation of the title I wanted to add that I went to a wedding reception recently. I was sitting down talking to a few adults when the bride announced that she was going to throw the bouquet. I kid you not: I had AT LEAST seven people turn to me in little than thirty seconds to urging me to go catch it. I wanted to say, "If you knew the guys I know, you wouldn't want me to catch that bouquet!"

Without any further adieu, meet the Mr. Wrong's in my life:

Candidate #1: Jamie

Pros: Almost graduated with only a few thousand in debt (impressive), majoring in English with a minor in History which are the EXACT subjects I love, can talk to him and tell him anything, funny

Cons: twenty five, bald and with a beard (there does have to be some attraction physically), loves sports a little too much for me, can have unpleasant humor, jealous

Activities: I got tricked into a double date and during this night we watched a movie. Jamie nonchalantly sat in the love seat while there was no other spot open (there wasn't even enough space to sit on the floor). I could see his hand inching towards mine that I then moved in order to constantly keep them busy through texting a friend. When he realized those efforts were in vain he put is arm up across the back of the chair and kept looking at me! I knew if I looked at him he would attempt to kiss me. When I didn't give him the slightest glance he began moving his arm closer. What I don't think he realized was the love seat was leather and I could hear it creeping up on me. I was beyond frantic! My friend who I was texting made a call and got me out of that sticky situation.

Later, I started to text one of his friends (Ron, who is another candidate) who I got to know. Jamie was texting him to and trying to make himself sound good through Ron. It seemed as if he was "staking out his territory" once again. I WAS LIVID. No guy dictates who I'm friends with!

Moving on to Candidate #2: Luke

Pros: ATTRACTIVE, funny, sweet, fun to be around, does these random acts of service for me, photographer, going to BYUI in the fall (closer)

Cons: LIAR, and stringing me along, known for making out with a girl two weeks before her marriage.

Activities: This relationship is messed up and needs more explaining. I have different circle of friends. One is Luke, Lucy, Jamie, and myself. Lucy happens to be married, but is going through a divorce that will be finalized the end of Aug. Jamie was interested in me and told Luke to back off. Luke turned affections to Lucy, but religion stops them both from dating publicly. So this makes a perfect situation in which Jamie can be a player. It took me awhile to realize that he was using me for a back up plan. He's pretty good at what he does and it took me awhile to fit the puzzle pieces together.

Candidate #3: Adrian

Pros: he's better than me/just a really good guy, LDS and believes in it, a cute shy, gives me my space when needed, not afraid to have a good time, really humble (if that makes sense), down to earth, can talk, going to BYU in the fall, and has a car (they're useful!)

Cons: He doesn't make me laugh as much, and his mom. This needs explaining too. Adrian is one out of four boys, being the second oldest. The third was actually my first kiss at age 15, and we still are really good friends (he's on a mission for two years) and I'm really good friends with the entire family. However, the mom wouldn't like it very much if we started dating. She's kind of protective of her boys.

Activities: We went cliff jumping with a group of people, but to get to this place we spent a total of three hours in the car together. We talked abt everything. I also went to a party that he was throwing. Awkwardly, another candidate (Anthony) invited himself along. SO, I had a guy invite me and I brought another guy...Luckily (if you can call it that), their old acquaintances, if not old friends. We do have a couple dates set up this week!

Next, Candidate #4: Anthony

Pros: tall, can make me laugh, always out looking for an adventure, can tell great stories, fun, is always there when you need him

Cons: smokes (but is trying to quit), 24, more difficult to talk to, sometimes needy and cynical, just got out of a relationship and wanting to have a rebound.

Activities: Bonfire/Perkins adventure! It was awesome and a whole lot of fun until I got these crazy cramps. They hurt so bad that I thought I was going to vomit all over the place. He drove me back home in my car while (ironically) one of my ex's drove his car. Then he kind of invited himself to Adrian's party, but I was really surprised how he handled the situation. He down played it like no other! And then we all went to the beach to swim even though the sun was completely gone. They had this amazing floating dock that was fun to tip people off of. We actually have a date this week too.

Last, and probably least, Candidate #5: Damion

Pros: attractive, WITTY, has a good stable job, great smile, easy to talk to, hilarious, loyal

Cons: I think he's a little bit shorter than me...and he's pretty close friends to the first candidate, Jamie. Therefore, I doesn't want to offend his friend by dating me.

Activities: He took me out shooting for my first time ever! We also went hiking and he took me to a beautiful waterfall. Unfortunately, we didn't have our swim suits! But we waded in the water and talked for awhile. He actually lives a good distance away and works a lot, so I don't know if anything will really happen there. But, we still manage to see each other once a week at least. (Funny story: Jamie told me that this guy brought his girl friend to a BBQ that I couldn't make it to. That confused me greatly and I looked at his Facebook page to see that he has himself down as single. I asked him abt it, and technically Jamie didn't lie. The girl was just that. A girl who happened to be a friend. The girl admitted it herself later.)

And THAT is the end of all the candidates for now. Interestingly enough, they all happen to be LDS technically, since they were all baptised. Obviously, they all believe in their faith to different degrees and their own personal struggles/strengths.

The funny thing is I don't consider myself to be flirtatious. I blog for goodness sake! What is even more humorous is that ALL these guys are going to be taking a road trip that my church is setting up. ALL of us are going to be together including Lucy and some various others. Stay tuned...

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