Wednesday, June 24, 2009

A Continuation

So where we left off of was that Ben wanted to meet the guy I was dating, Jared. Of course I refused. Ironically, we were sitting on the grass between his (meaning Jared's) hall and my own. A couple days past and one of my friends came up to me, who's name was also Jared, and told me how one of my friends was being creepy. I gave him a slightly confused expression and he continued to explain how Ben added all my Jared's on Facebook as his friends asking if any of them were dating me. I was beyond anger. What continues to be ironic is my Jared didn't have a Facebook at the time anyway. I marched to my computer and instantly deleted Ben as a friend. I even texted him saying what a stalker he was being. He answered me with various choice words. One of my good friends started texting Ben for me and saying things like, "don't come near her again or else". Ben didn't seem to appreciate that much so he called up my friend and they started arguing. The funny thing is I was called different versions of a female dog and my friend finally asked what I did to Ben. Ben was unable to come up with anything. His only answer was, "Dude! You don't even know!" Obviously, I don't either. The next day I was sitting in my math class when another friend texted me to ask what the heck I did to Ben. Turns out Ben's Facebook status read something like, "F BYU, F Mormons, and F " I was slightly annoyed but I continued to ignore the guy completely.

Fast forward seven months and Ben moves back to MN right abt the time that I'M going back to MN cause school is done with. Weird? A little. But Ben tries to get in contact with me through e-mail, texting, and various other ways. Don't fall for it.

Fastforward a month later. I'm back in MN and randomly decide to go to Jeff's house. I walk upstairs unannounced, into my friends room where I see him and Ben. I missed my one awesome chance to punch the guy and I don't take it. It was awkward, but I decided not to have a hissy fit since it would create tension in our same group of friends. I leave and screamed in the car the whole way home. The next time we meet up it's like we're very cold acquaintances. We finally have a chance to talk briefly without being overheard and I ask, "So are we being friends again?"
"I dunno."
"Are you going to apologize?"
"For what? It's in the past."
"Cause it was uncalled for."
"You deleted me from facebook."
"You were stalkerish."
"I wanted to see what he looked like."
"I still want an apology."
"It's in the past."
"Do you care abt our friendship?"
"No, not really."
"Ok then." And then I walked away. I was SO proud of myself for not blowing up. I was talking to my brother abt it when the conversation was more fresh in my mind. He pretty much told me, from a guy's point of view how that was the "macho" way of saying let's move on without letting go of pride. Made sense. Doesn't mean I trust him (it's like saying fire wont burn), but I'm not going to create tension for others. Besides, Ben needs all the good influences he can possibly get. Someday, he'll realize he's not going where he wanted to go.

I just feel like the situation is so interesting. I'm a pretty trusting person, but I know when I don't like somebody. The problem is with Ben I can't hold grudges. Why is that? I've held onto other grudges for less. It's something I got to figure out.

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