Friday, March 27, 2009

How This Works

I put some thought into what I want this blog to accomplish. Some might have the goal of changing the world through their words. It has been done before, just not very recently. Let's face the facts. By the time a person writes another "Common Sense", the subject has already been addressed numerous times. In today's society, one might need to resort to creating a collosal movie in order to make a somewhat lasting impression. I'm sure that I could weave some politics into the matter, but I 'm not as naive as some of my fellow peers to assume that I know anything about the subject. If life has taught me anything it's that children usually follow the teachings instilled into them by society or more importantly, their parents. I find numerous speeches revolving around politics to be disgustingly biased or somewhat closed-minded.

The following tangent will be one of the rare occasions that I make any reference to Politics or the Government:

One of the termoils of the day is the failing economy. I feel safe to say that most everyone is outraged by this development and I have heard a few blaim the government. I found this to be increadibly ironic. Don't the people elect the officials who they feel will represent them the best? Stop complaining and get more invloved with the legistlatures closer to you in the state. I also think that the President gets to much credit for all that happens during his jurisdiction. The President often times inherits the previous President's successes or failures. Any new programs started by a president will often times not show its true colors until a few years later. The power held by the Federal government and the President was surely not what the Founding Fathers had intended. Where have the State powers gone? It seems to me that the Constitution is turning more into a symbol than a ruling document. Let the changes made in the government be made into an amendment first.

Now that that's out of my system, I can answer what I want this blog to accomplish. The simple reply would be: I really don't care. This is my blog and I can write about whatever I so choose. However, I do hope that it will lead to various enlightenment about different subjects. I decided (for now) not to let anyone near me know of this. I don't think I could truley write what I think or do without facing uncomfortable conversations. I choose to write to the unknown reader who, vice versa, doesn't know me.

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