Saturday, March 28, 2009

Happy Days

First of can I just say that I think doing this blog is somewhat a strange pastime? I have no idea if people actually read this or who the reader is. Or maybe nobody even sees it except for me. I suppose it really doesn't matter as long as it makes me happy.

I have had some great news recently. My cell phone had been dead all day yesterday until I finally got to charging it at seven pm. I saw that I missed my brother and decided to call him back. He answered and said that I just missed the opportunity to be taken out to dinner with him and his wife who live fairly close by my university. I was a little surprised to be truthfully honest. It's not like any of us are rolling in the dough, so to speak. Then he adds, "Yeah we went to this Chinese restaurant to celebrate." I had to rack my brain if I knew of any birthdays I should have been aware of, but no. He practically screams that my sister-in-law is pregnant!!! I was astonished beyond description. My sister-in-law had been trying to get pregnant for about seven years with absolutely no luck. They were trying to save up the money fore medical help or adoption. I was so happy for them I started crying.

Getting nieces and nephews isn't a new thing for me by any means. I feel the need to describe my family. First off, my parents married when my mom was twenty one and my dad was twenty three. They never divorced or cheated. Instead, they raised seven children (all planned). Being the youngest, my oldest sibling got married when I was six and I became an Aunt at age eight. Since then, the other four oldest siblings got married. Now I have seven beautiful nieces, two dashing nephews, and (now) two on the way due in August.

It seems to me the couple that would make the best parents are always faced with challenges in creating their families. This was just the case. It was such an unexpected answer to my sister-in-law's "illness" that they didn't figure it out until three months after the fact!

But do you know what's even more interesting? Small explanation on my interpretation on the doctrine of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints: One wonderful thing about my church is that we believe in the power of receiving revelation for ourselves from Heavenly Father (AKA Our name for God since we also believe he's our father) through the Holy Ghost. Our missionaries often challenge investigators to pray and receive revelation for themselves to see if the Book of Mormon is true. We believe that he cares so much about our lives to not only listen, but answer. I have such a strong testimony of prayer, nobody can shake it. I might not be so strong in other areas, but prayer NEVER fails.

This helps lead me into my story. I remember (since I also wrote in my journal about that night) feeling at peace with the world. I had a burning desire to repent from numerous errors, pray for spiritual guidance, pray for the ones I loved, and even pray for people who had wronged me or I wasn't very close to. I remember praying for my brother and sister-in-law, pleading with Heavenly Father to allow them to have a child bless their home. And He did; He answered not only my prayer, but so many others. After getting off the phone, I collapsed onto the floor sobbing. I managed to thank my Heavenly Father, giving credit where it was due.

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