Friday, August 14, 2009

It's exactly 12:00 am and I'm doing laundry with a good part of an hour to kill.

It's no secret that I can't make up my mind, but I've narrowed down the field for various majors. I decided I don't want to be a librarian. Point blank: I love talking and interacting with people too much. I also cut off the idea of being a doctor/nurse. Doctor's have to donate a large chunk of time to their career and raising a family would be very difficult. I honestly can say I have no idea why not nursing. The only answer I can give on that subject is that I prayed abt it and I got a distinct "No". (Mormonism is pretty darn big on the ability for each person to receive personal revelation from God). Reader's Digest version is that I'm down to less than ten possibilities. Very impressive for me.

Some majors that I'm considering are Art History and European Studies with a minor in business. I would hope to be working at different museums. Or I was thinking Communications (emphasis unknown at this time) with a minor in business and anything else that struck my fancy. Or I could double major in English and Social Studies teaching. Political Science (continuing on to Law School) and various other ideas are still in the mixing pot also. If I had a strange urge to go into Dentistry or Physical Therapy or some other career I could easily change routes. The crazy thing is that I'm actually taking beginner courses for all these different possibilities to see if I like them. I think that if I got teach in Taiwan it would help me significantly in deciding if I'm cut out to be a teacher. I honestly loved all my English teachers. I thought they were extremely influential in shaping my character. I want to make a difference in the world and see as much of it as possible. The question is how to get there by using what talents I have...It would be a whole lot easier if I was gifted at something marketable.

I really don't feel like I'm extraordinary at anything. However, I decided it's more the combinations of my mediocre skills that make me unique. It seems to me that the more complex the world gets the more simplified it becomes-if that makes sense. I was having one of those days where you feel like your brain is going to melt away so I went to the library. Can you believe I've never read "Animal Farm"? Can you believe that my library didn't even have it??? Or "Uncle Tom's Cabin" for that matter. I did manage to get "Persuasion" by Jane Austin, "Leaves of Grass" by Walt Whitman, "Common Sense" by Thomas Paine (sadly I've never actually read the whole thing) a couple books on Neuroscience, one book on Albert Einstein (way cool), and a book on how language/ideas/symbols were formed. Anyway, I was reading "Common Sense" and I was having difficulty understanding it!!! What the heck?! It's suppose to be common sense! It's beyond pathetic to think that the average person/soldier could understand his ideas and language. I realized how literature has fallen and so has the range of our vocabulary. Literature that isn't easy or quick to read is thrown to the side. Nobody wants to take the time to figure out what your saying. It just wouldn't sell. It was an epiphany I thought. I mean think abt it. We have pictures for instructions. How more simplified can we get?

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