Sunday, May 3, 2009

Working Towards Improvement

I'm back home in Minnesota and I'm finally missing Provo...after two weeks. I made some of the greatest friends I will ever have while at school only after such a short period of time. I can't understand what I ever did without them. It's unbelievable how much good and joy can come in a sudden rush.

And because of going out to school, I can appreciate the simple pleasures of home. For example, I never realized how completely wonderful my shower is. The water pressure, height, and soft water is just heavenly. Not having to share a room or bathroom, having my own car to drive around, not paying rent or for food, having toilet paper AND tissues--I'm living the dream. I never really understood how great that all is. I also made the realization how obnoxious the TV can be! It is such a waste of time, and yet I have to admit that I watch it. It's mildly frustrating. I would say on average my family (that is home right now) probably watches around two or three hours of TV six days a week. That's twelve to eighteen hours a week! It's disgusting to think how much can be accomplished in that time.

I’ve also became a lot more excited about my families fairly substantial collection of books. College has definitely changed my taste in what I read. I became legitimately excited when I came across the Complete Works of William Shakespeare. I’m also now reading “The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People” by Stephen Covey. I love it. It’s a new way of thinking about different situations and yet common sense at the same time. It’s blunt and directly applicable to everyday life. I think we (or maybe just I) need to hear more often that the blame usually lies in us. I have all these goals and dreams, but I’m hardly doing anything to make them become a reality.

I also have a tendency to be too quick (to suite me at least) in taking offense or anger. However, the wisdom of Eleanor Roosevelt statement of “nobody can make you feel inferior without your consent” has finally made an impact. I also really like the essay (or is it classified as a book?), “As a Man Thinketh” by James Allen. The wording is beautiful and the mere idea of what the power of thought can accomplish gives cause for hope and change in attitude.

As you might have guessed, I’m taking this summer as a period to improve myself in various areas. What BYU managed to accomplish was point out my NUMEROUS flaws or weaknesses. Therefore, I hope and am trying to better myself mentally, physically, emotionally, spiritually, economically, socially, and by developing talents. I don’t have to cover each area every day, but I’m going to try to do at least three. It’s the least I can do.

Improving myself economically is turning into a somewhat elusive reality. It’s quite frustrating finding a job in this area and I can’t figure out why. We don’t lack businesses, but nobody seems to want to hire me for just the darn summer. I find this to be somewhat ironic for the following reasons (I promise, I’m not trying to brag. I’m just being blunt):
1) I’m smart--I’m going to college and doing fairly well
2) I know how to work and I work HARD. Starting at the age of ten, Mom expected each of us kids to work two hours each day around the house during summer vacation excluding Sundays. On Saturdays we would only have an hour and we were never paid. I worked at a bookstore and was left by myself numerous times without anybody watching me, not even security cameras. I never even so much as texted. I always worked to improve the store or customer service. I don’t think it’s honest to be paid and not do anything for it.
3) I do everything in my power to be successful. I hate not doing my best; it literally grates on me. I’m considering retaking a class because I got a B in it. I’m pretty sure that I could have gotten a B+ or A- if I tried harder and didn’t procrastinate so much.
4) I would be so grateful for somebody hiring me that I would do everything in my power to please them or pay them back.
5) Education is the third most important thing in my life, only after family and religion. Education is the road that I am taking towards success. That is my unquenchable passion and I will do every single thing I can to get there. I have an extremely high motivation to work and enjoy every second of it.

But hey, what’s the use of worrying? I wonder why everything seems so much more fatal at night.

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